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Global Care Uk

What we do

We provide a platform for finding high-quality and permanent jobs for Care Givers
Our digital platform provides an easy, user-friendly, and comprehensive solution for finding, and managing family care needs including domiciliary care, elderly care, Live-in care, specialist care, and cleaning services.
We also provide business solutions for the care providers to hire a fully vetted and insured Care Givers to increasing their efficiency and reducing the difficulty of finding the appropriate staffing.

Why choose us?

We use advanced technology to remove many of the traditional agency costs, saving you money and ensuring that all our caregivers are rewarded fairly.

We give you more choice by giving you access to local caregivers registered and employed by us. Unlike traditional care agencies who may use a number of different carers to provide your care, Global Care offers you the opportunity to buy the care you need directly from the carer you choose.

At the same time, we have designed our system to be simple and convenient for you or your family to use. We have made it easy for you to choose the right caregiver with the right skills at the right price to come and give you some help with are transparent payment through our reliable system.



Elderly Care

Moving from your own environment can be very stressful and not comfortable due to losing the stability and familiarity with your own sweet home. At Global Care, we understand your and your loved ones’ feelings and trying to provide the most appropriate care to be able to meet your needs and wishes. Global Care ensures the consistency and continuity for the elderly people to be able to encourage your loved one’s independence in their own environment and keeping them part of their local community.

Respite Care

At Global Care, we understand that it might be very stressful to move the elderly people from their own environment to a care home even if it is temporary. Respite Care can always be required due to unexpected health conditions, busy professional and personal life, holidays and need of additional support. We always aim to provide and maintain undisruptive care for your loved ones and we can deliver tailored respite services at their own home to meet their individual needs in a very comfortable manner. We will continue to assist them in their normal routine to make it stable for everyone during the respite care period.

End of Life Care

Global Care believes that provision of end of life care within your own home can ease the strains of treatments and difficulties at your home comforts and normal routines without getting disturbed. Our tailor-made individualised care packages with the involvement of you and your loved one to ensure the most appropriate and best quality care from pain management and medication administration to personal, social, emotional and domestic needs in an undisruptive environment.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

We believe that it is particularly important to provide a comprehensive service to the service users with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and to regularly review their needs as their condition changes. Our preventative care approach will focus on the person’s life history, social and family circumstances, and preferences, as well as their physical and mental health needs and current level of functioning and abilities. Our service outcomes will form individually tailored care plans, which will inform any risk management plans as well.

Neurological Condition Support

The long-term neurological conditions are a group of disorders that involve parts of the nervous system. Some examples of long-term neurological disorders include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Stroke
  • Spinal Cord Injury and etc.

Global Care believes that all those suffering from a long-term neurological condition should have been treated with an integrated preventative care approach and should have an appropriate assessment. At Global Care, accessing to specialist services and good care planning are both vital for people with long-term conditions.

At Global Care, we aim to enable people to remain in their own home with dignity, independence and control over their lives. Our outcome based person-centred care provision focuses on our service users’ background, preferred lifestyle and their aspirations and we regularly review our care packages to ensure each individual’s changing needs are met.

We aim to help all of our service users to achieve greater degrees of independence and to express the results of providing services as positive outcomes for individuals.

Our Active Team

Happy Patients

Our Departaments

Awards We Have


Initial contact

When you realised that you needed care, you may have approached Global Care directly; alternatively, you may have been referred to us by the local authority adult social care department/health service, which might be funding some or all of your care. In either case, information about you which is passed to us will be dealt with sensitively and in confidence.

Before providing any services we will need to talk with you as the person who is going to be receiving the service, perhaps with your family, and with the adult social care/health services which contacted us. We need to be sure that the services we provide are going to be suitable for you from the very outset.

Assessing your needs

If someone is referred to us from adult social care/health service, your needs might have been assessed already. As a result it has been agreed that care at home is going to meet your needs. A summary of this information, usually called a needs assessment, will have been passed to us.

If you have approached us directly (or through your family), we need to make an assessment ourselves. To do this we will need to ask you quite a lot of questions, and probably to seek information from your family carer, your doctor, and any other specialists who know about your health and needs. The assessment will be carried out by specially trained staff.

We hope that you do not find the means by which we get to know your needs too intrusive. We want to build up a full picture and we will do this as quickly and tactfully as possible.

Remember, all the information will be treated confidentially. Our aim is always to make sure that we understand what you need and what your preferences are about services, so that we can respond in ways which really suit you.

Assessing any risks to your personal safety

If you have decided to have care provided in your own home, you will know of course that this carries some risk. The care worker is unlikely to be with you all the time, so there will not be the same level of support as you would receive in, for example, a care home.

On the other hand, many feel that they retain more independence and find that, on balance, a measure of risk is worthwhile. Nevertheless, we want to be sure that everybody concerned understands the risks and has thought about them responsibly and that the risks to be taken are not unreasonable or unnecessary.

So, with you, we carry out a risk assessment, weighing up the risks to be taken with the advantages, and if it seems appropriate we might make suggestions as to how unnecessary risks can be kept as low as possible.

Your personal care plan

Having assessed your needs and the risks in the situation, we then — again with help from you and your family members, friends and possibly an advocate — prepare a plan for the care we expect to deliver.

We call this your Personal Care Plan because you as the service user really are central to it. It will spell out the services we will provide, with details like timings of care worker visits and the special tasks to be performed, and will state what we all hope to be the objectives of providing the service and how we plan to achieve those objectives.

Reassessing the need and reviewing the care

Of course, over time your needs may change. You may need more or less care, the type or pattern of service may have to be varied, new risks may become apparent. So, again with your help, we will keep your needs under review and take decisions about the care accordingly.

If at any time there are aspects about the care which you would like to change, let us know.

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